The Day After: Smart Politics Scorecard, Part I
In the coming days Smart Politics will have extended coverage of the 2006 state and federal election results. In this morning’s summary entry, we can report the following results on Smart Politics’ scorecard for its projections in federal and gubernatorial races:
Governor: 100% (4 for 4)
U.S. Senate: 100% (2 for 2)
U.S. House: 95% (21 for 22)
Smart Politics correctly projected Democratic pick-ups in the U.S. House in IA-1, MN-1, and WI-8, but was on the wrong side of the IA-2 nail-biter race between David Roebsack and James Leach (though we did correctly project it as being the closest race in Iowa).
More details to come soon on the state legislative races in the Upper Midwest…