Humphrey Institute / MPR Poll: Bachmann Fighting for Political Life in MN-06
A new poll released today by the Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs and Minnesota Public Radio of Minnesota’s 6th Congressional District finds 1-term Republican incumbent Michele Bachmann in a dead head with DFL challenger Elwyn Tinklenberg. Bachmann trails Tinklenberg 45 to 43 percent (within the polls 4.7 percent margin of error) with Independence Party candidate Bob Anderson registering 5 percent support.
Bachmann is lagging behind her fellow Republicans up the ticket – by 16 points behind Norm Coleman (who holds a 14-point lead over Al Franken in the district) and 5 points behind John McCain (who holds a 3-point lead over Barack Obama in the district).
More than three-quarters of likely voters in the district were aware of Bachmann’s controversial comments that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama “may have anti-American views�? (79 percent); 68 percent disagreed with Bachmann’s comments and 37 percent are less likely to vote for Bachmann as a result.
Smart Politics will profile the 6th Congressional District race later this weekend.