Archive for 2008
McCain’s Momentum: A State-by-State Overview of Recent Polls
After trailing Barack Obama in virtually every national matchup poll from mid-May through late July, John McCain is now running even with Obama or has taken the lead outright, according to several recent national surveys – including a brand new…
Read MoreMcCain Nearly Even With Obama in New Poll of Minnesotans
SurveyUSA’s latest poll of likely voters in the Gopher State finds John McCain reaching his second highest level of support in more than a dozen polls conducted since late March 2008. McCain’s two-point deficit, 47 to 45 percent, is just…
Read MoreNumber of Undecided Voters Increasing in Minnesota Senate Race
In SurveyUSA’s new mid-August poll of the Minnesota U.S. Senate race, Norm Coleman has a 7-point advantage over Al Franken, 46 to 39 percent. The poll continues a trend over the last six weeks revealing there is a substantial number…
Read MoreThird Parties Garnering Support In Key Statewide Races
A recent report by Gallup indicates muted support for third party candidates thus far in the 2008 presidential race. In an open-ended question asking likely voters for which candidate they would cast their presidential ballot, only 2 percent cited third…
Read MoreObama Support Falls To Lowest Mark Against McCain in Rasmussen’s Minnesota Polling
As recent state polls across the country indicate a tightening of the presidential race in favor of John McCain, a new Rasmussen poll of 700 likely Minnesota voters finds support for Obama at its lowest margin to date across nine…
Read MoreWill GOP Controversy Put 16th Senate District In Play for the DFL?
Minnesota blogs have been buzzing in recent days in light of state Representative Mark Olson’s endorsement by the Republican Party for the special election in Senate District 16 held this November. The election is being held to fill Betsy Wergin’s…
Read MoreWill Minnesotans Turn Out On Primary Day?
Minnesotans have earned a deserved reputation for turning out the vote on Election Day in recent years. During presidential election years, Minnesota has yielded a turnout rate of between 65 and 83 percent since 1952, including increasing totals of…
Read MoreObama Lead Narrows in Iowa While Harkin’s Lead Expands
In another bit of sobering news for the Barack Obama campaign, a new Rasmussen poll of 500 likely voters in Iowa finds his double-digit lead over John McCain from a month ago now standing at 5 points. In July, Obama’s…
Read MorePawlenty VP Pick Would Be Rare: Slot Historically Reserved for D.C. Players
Should John McCain pick Tim Pawlenty to be his Vice-Presidential running mate in the coming days, the selection would be a bit of a rarity, given recent political history. During the past 14 presidential elections dating back to 1952, just…
Read MorePawlenty Disapproval Numbers Increasing Amid VP Talk
Although Minnesota Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty is not beloved by all in the Gopher State, he has maintained a consistent level of job approval throughout his gubernatorial tenure. In nearly 60 public opinion polls of Minnesotans conducted since early…
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