Is Pennsylvania the Next Iowa? Not Quite.

After the Wyoming caucuses on Saturday and the Mississippi primary on Tuesday (and perhaps even before those contests are finished), all attention will shift to the state of Pennyslvania in the next (though not necessarily last) showdown between Barack Obama…

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Live Blog: Texas Caucuses

11:40 p.m. A total of 67 delegates are tied to the Democratic caucuses in Texas tonight. Returns are just starting to trickle in. Obama has won 11 of 13 caucus contests to date. 11:42 p.m. Democratic (5% reporting) Obama =…

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Live Blog: Rhode Island Primary

8:00 p.m. NBC News, Fox News, and CNN have all called the GOP race in Rhode Island for John McCain and NBC News characterizes the Democratic race as “too close to call.” John McCain has now officially become the Republican…

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Live Blog: Texas Primary

7:09 p.m. On the Democratic side 126 delegates are tied to Texas’ primary while another 67 delegates are tied to the Texas Democratic caucuses – also held tonight. 8:05 p.m. CNN, NBC News, and Fox News characterize the Democratic race…

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Live Blog: Ohio Primary

6:30 p.m. NBC News, Fox News, and CNN have all called the GOP race in Ohio for John McCain and characterize the Democratic race as “competitive” or “too close to call.” 8:13 p.m. Democratic (2% reporting) Clinton = 58% Obama…

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Live Blog: Vermont Primary

6:00 p.m. NBC News, Fox News, and CNN all project Barack Obama and John McCain the winners of the Vermont primary. This marks Obama’s 11th straight victory. Obama has now won 24 states plus D.C. and the Virgin Islands. McCain…

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Final Polls Show Mini Clinton Surge

If one is to believe the final polls of Ohioans and Texans released over the last 24 hours, Hillary Clinton could be packing her bags for Pennsylvania after tonight’s primary contests. While Obama will still lead in the pledged delegate…

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