Archive for 2008
Obama Yet To Capture Hearts of Voters in Ohio
Barack Obama has been able to win, and win convincingly, in all 10 contests since Super Tuesday nearly a month ago. When Hillary Clinton’s campaign unofficially set up her firewall in Ohio and Texas shortly after her losses in Louisiana,…
Read MoreMN Legislature Overrides Pawlenty’s Transportation Bill Veto
In a fascinating development on Monday, the Minnesota House voted to override Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty’s transportation bill veto. The DFL picked up 2 votes since the bill’s passage, and thus had one vote to spare in a 91-41 vote…
Read MoreThe Bill Stops Here: Governor Pawlenty’s Veto Pen
Governor Tim Pawlenty’s veto on February 22nd of a controversial transportation bill has set the stage for the DFL-controlled legislature to attempt an override. Governor Pawlenty has deployed the veto more often (37 times since 2003) than all but 2…
Read MoreGetting to 90: House Override of Pawlenty’s Transportation Bill Veto Unlikely
Governor Tim Pawlenty’s veto last Friday of a controversial transportation bill raises the prospect of a veto-override attempt by a DFL-controlled legislature that passed the bills by wide margins on February 21st. The $6.6 billion dollar bill seeks to fund…
Read MorePoll Roundup: Dems vs. McCain
As Barack Obama continues to cruise through the post-Super Tuesday Democratic primaries and caucuses, the Illinois Senator has recently made claims during his stump speeches that he is more electable than Hillary Clinton against presumptive GOP nominee John McCain. Recent…
Read MoreObama Wins Hawaii Caucuses
Barack Obama won his 10th straight Democratic contest late Tuesday night when the Illinois junior Senator won the Hawaii caucuses. Obama has now won 23 states plus the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Hillary Clinton has won…
Read MoreLive Blog: Washington Primary
10:00 p.m. The Republican Party held its primary in Washington State tonight. The GOP also held caucuses on February 9th, in a contest narrowly won by John McCain over Mike Huckabee. 10:10 p.m. All 3 cable networks have called the…
Read MoreLive Blog: Wisconsin Primary
7:42 p.m. Polls close in Wisconsin’s open primary at 8:00 p.m. CST. Smart Politics live blogging of results with analysis will commence at that time. 8:00 p.m. John McCain is the projected winner of the GOP primary in Wisconsin, according…
Read MoreRasmussen Poll: MN U.S. Senate Race A Dead Heat
A new Rasmussen poll of 500 likely voters conducted February 16th finds 1-term Republican incumbent Senator Norm Coleman in a dead heat with both Al Franken and Mike Ciresi in the Gopher State. Franken leads Coleman 49 to 46 percent,…
Read MoreClinton Trails, Obama Sails Against McCain in IA, MN
Echoing similar results reported yesterday in Wisconsin, Barack Obama currently has a strong advantage when matched up against John McCain in the Upper Midwestern states of Iowa and Minnesota, especially when compared to Hillary Clinton, according to polls released today…
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