MN Governor
How Do We Judge Governor Pawlenty’s Political Legacy?
As Tim Pawlenty completes the remaining 18+ months of his second term, before venturing into (politically or financially) greener pastures, he has vowed to “Continue to spend every day doing what’s right for them. Minnesota will get my very best…
Read MoreFrom T-Paw to J-Ram: Is Jim Ramstad the GOP’s Answer in 2010?
Tim Pawlenty’s decision Tuesday not to seek an unprecedented third 4-year term as Governor of the Gopher State not only emboldened the candidacies of the long list of DFLers already on the campaign trail, but also raised the issue as…
Read MoreGovernor Pawlenty: Good for Minnesota Twins Baseball?
While Tim Pawlenty struggles to deal with soaring budget deficits and historic rates in the increase of unemployment statewide, there is at least one positive issue he can take to the electorate should he seek an unprecedented third four-year term…
Read MorePawlenty Delivers on Veto Pledge; Override Season Opens
Governor Tim Pawlenty’s veto this weekend of a legislative bill (HF 885, SF 681) that would raise approximately $1 billion in revenue through income and alcohol taxes and a surtax on credit card companies, marked the official opening of Override…
Read MorePawlenty Disapproval Rating Rises For 5th Straight Month in SurveyUSA Polling
A few days ago, Smart Politics went into great detail to explain why the latest Star Tribune poll results did not provide persuasive evidence that Governor Tim Pawlenty was flirting with danger in terms of his statewide approval rating. That…
Read MoreWhy Governor Pawlenty Is Not in the ‘Danger Zone’
The headline from the latest Star Tribune Minnesota Poll results released on Thursday morning reads: “Pawlenty’s popularity loses some luster, edging toward ‘danger zone'” The new poll measured Pawlenty’s approval rating at 48 percent in the Gopher State, which the…
Read MorePawlenty’s Political Future: When Will We Know?
Although taxes and vetoes are the talk of the town today, reporters at the State Capitol would still like to know the answer to the question: “When is Governor Tim Pawlenty going to announce his future political plans?” Most analysts…
Read MorePawlenty Approval Rating Defies National Trend; Eclipses 50 Percent Mark Once Again
The 45th SurveyUSA poll measuring Minnesotans’ approval of Tim Pawlenty’s job performance finds the Republican Governor back once again in familiar, positive territory. Last month, for only the 6th time in 45 SurveyUSA polls, Pawlenty fell below the 50 percent…
Read MoreWhy (the DFL Thinks) Pawlenty Does Not Want A Structurally Balanced Budget
One of the frequent refrains heard throughout the DFL leadership this session has been a criticism of Governor Tim Pawlenty’s budget as failing to be structurally balanced beyond the 2010-2011 fiscal years, and a disapproval of the Governor’s use of…
Read MorePawlenty Approval Rating Sinks to Lowest Level Since October 2006
Perhaps it is due to the Governor presiding over record spikes in unemployment statewide. Perhaps it is the Governor’s stated opposition to the federal stimulus legislation that landed Minnesota billions of dollars. Or perhaps the Governor is losing his public…
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