Archive for 2008
Humphrey Institute to Host Premier Politics & Policy Forum September 1-4
As the Republican National Convention convenes in St. Paul on September 1, the University of Minnesota and the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs is creating the premier forum for independent and respected analysis and commentary during the Convention….
Read MoreCommentary: Why Picking Sarah Palin Was Smart Politics
When I walked into the post office on University Avenue in Minneapolis yesterday, two friendly clerks with whom I’ll occasionally discuss politics exclaimed to me, “You were right!�? Well, not quite. For about two months it is true that I…
Read MoreWe Are Not Traitors: Obama Scores Biggest Applause With Right-Wing Rhetoric
Barack Obama’s speech accepting the Democratic Party nomination was largely well-received and accomplished several things he was perceived to need to do: · Acknowledge Hillary (and Bill) Clinton’s efforts to rally her supporters to his side. · Provide some specifics…
Read More3rd CD: DFL Experiences Historical Bump in Presidential Election Years
Upon 9-term Republican U.S. Representative Jim Ramstad’s retirement announcement in 2007, the DFL knew Ramstad’s open 3rd CD seat would be a competitive race and a potential pick-up for the party in 2008. (The DFL is running Iraqi War veteran…
Read MoreTrust in Government Drops By Nearly Half In Minnesota Since 2004
As Minnesotans prepare once again to be at the heart of another competitive presidential election, the Gopher States’ view of government has eroded precipitously during the last four years. According to the latest Humphrey Institute / Minnesota Public Radio survey,…
Read MoreUpper Midwesterns Back McCain on Foreign Policy; Domestic Policy Mixed
A series of SurveyUSA polls across the Upper Midwest finds registered voters more confident John McCain can better handle foreign policy issues and immigration, while Barack Obama has the edge on health care. In a surprising turn, Obama ends up…
Read MoreObama-Biden: Familiar Bedfellows…Though You’d Never Know It
Most of the weekend’s media coverage of Barack Obama’s pick of Joe Biden to be his vice-presidential running mate focused on two competing, though related, angles: First, that Biden was a good choice because he will shore up Obama’s…
Read MoreWhy Dean Barkley Is Hurting Al Franken’s U.S. Senate Chances
A new U.S. Senate poll released today by the Humphrey Institute and Minnesota Public Radio finds Norm Coleman and Al Franken virtually deadlocked in the Gopher State’s U.S. Senate race. While Franken’s statistically insignificant 41 to 40 percent lead…
Read MoreHHH/MPR Survey: Obama Up By 10 in Minnesota
A new poll by the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey Institute and Minnesota Public Radio was released today indicating Barack Obama still has the advantage over John McCain in the Gopher State. The poll, conducted over an 11-day period ending August…
Read MoreSmart Politics on WCCO-TV’s “Good Question”
Smart Politics’ Eric Ostermeier was interviewed by Jason DeRusha on WCCO-TV’s “Good Question” segment during Tuesday night’s 10 o’clock telecast. DeRusha’s Good Question tonight was, “Does the Vice President Pick Matter” Ostermeier explained why a VP pick is not a…
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