Archive for 2008
Live Blog: Oregon Primary
10:15 p.m. All three networks have called Oregon for Barack Obama. This is the 28th state Obama has carried, plus D.C., the Texas caucuses, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. 10:20 p.m. (29% reporting) Obama = 60% Clinton = 40% Obama…
Read MoreLive Blog: Kentucky Primary
5:50 p.m. (9% reporting) Clinton = 50% Obama = 46% Over 80 percent of the vote that has reported in is from Jefferson County – home to Louisville – one of the few locales in Kentucky where Obama is expected…
Read MoreKY, OR Primary: Live Blog Tonight
Smart Politics will blog live Tuesday night as the primary results from Kentucky and Oregon come in. Smart Politics will pay particular attention to the voter turnout and Clinton victory margin in Kentucky, to determine whether or not she is…
Read MoreSuffolk Poll: Clinton Within 4 Points in Oregon
A Suffolk University poll of 600 likely voters in Oregon this weekend (May 17-18) now measures the race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to be within 4 points. This echoes the findings of American Research Group polls last week…
Read MorePolls in KY, OR: Someone Forgot to Tell the Voters ‘It’s Over’
Although the media, several prominent Democrats, and even some pollsters (Rasmussen) called the Democratic race ‘over’ even after Hillary Clinton’s 41-point blowout victory in West Virginia, Democratic voters are apparently saying otherwise. Several polls point to 60-plus percent of Democratic…
Read MoreIowans Outlook on America Bleakest in 10 Years
A new Rasmussen poll of 500 likely Iowa voters, conducted May 13th, finds only 11 percent of Iowans believe the country is heading in the right direction. An astounding 84 percent believe it is off on the wrong track—more than…
Read MoreThe Numbers: West Virginia, Kentucky, Oregon and Beyond
While there has been no doubt for more than a month that Barack Obama would win the pledged delegate count in the race for the Democratic nomination, a higher than projected turnout in West Virginia’s primary padded Hillary Clinton’s victory…
Read MoreLive Blog: West Virginia Primary
6:30 p.m. CNN characterizes Hillary Clinton will win West Virginia by “a wide margin.” MSNBC states exit polls show Clinton will win by a 2:1 margin. Clinton now has won 17 states, plus Florida, Michigan, and American Samoa. 6:36 p.m….
Read MoreWest Virginia Primary Results Live Blog Tonight
Smart Politics will blog live Tuesday night as the primary results from West Virginia come in. Some questions Smart Politics will track tonight in measuring the impact of Clinton’s expected big victory: What is the voter turnout? Will a large…
Read MoreWest Virginia Update: Clinton to Net 100,000 Votes?
A new poll released today by Suffolk University still finds Hillary Clinton flirting with a 40-point blowout victory in the West Virginia primary. The survey of 600 likely voters gives Clinton a 60 percent to 24 percent advantage over Barack…
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