John Edwards Fares Best in Head-to-Head Matchups In Iowa
Despite the fact that most recent public polls find John Edwards trailing Hillary Clinton in Iowa’s Democratic Party caucus horserace, Edwards fares the best among his chief Democratic Party rivals when matched up against the leading GOP candidates. A…
Read MoreLA Times Poll Shows Clinton, Romney Leading the Pack in IA
In the first LA Times / Bloomberg poll of likely Iowa caucus voters, Hillary Clinton maintains her lead over John Edwards while failing to reach the 30 percent mark; meanwhile, Mitt Romney continues to enjoy a double-digit lead over his…
Read MoreEarly Signs Edwards Most Electable Democrat in Key Battleground States
While Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama continue their 1-2 punch in all national polls and most state polls, John Edwards consistently fares the best among the Democratic field when matched up against the leading Republican contenders. This is especially the…
Read MoreRomney, Clinton Lead In New ARG Iowa Poll
Mitt Romney has opened up a 10-point lead in the latest American Research Group (ARG) poll of likely Republican Iowa caucus voters. Romney had trailed Giuliani by one point in ARG’s previous poll in late July, but the former Massachusetts…
Read MoreRomney Catapults To Big Lead In Iowa After Straw Poll Victory
In the first public poll conducted after the Iowa Republican Straw Poll, Mitt Romney has jumped out to his biggest lead to date. Romney, who won the straw poll with 32 percent, received 33 percent of the support of likely…
Read MoreZogby Poll: Clinton Surges to Top in Iowa
For the first time in five Zogby polls of likely Democratic caucus voters conducted in Iowa this year, Hillary Clinton has moved into sole possession of first place. At 30 percent, Clinton’s measured support is also the highest received by…
Read MoreTommy Thompson Ends Presidential Bid
Former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson officially ended his campaign to win the Republican nomination this weekend, after a disappointing 6th place finish in an Iowa Straw Poll that was missing three of the GOP’s top-tier candidates. Thompson had previously…
Read MoreMitt Romney Wins Iowa Straw Poll; Tommy Thompson and Duncan Hunter Fall Short
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney met expectations by easily winning the GOP Iowa Straw Poll on Saturday, garnering 31.5 percent of the vote. Romney was expected to win because of his strong showing in early scientific polls and due to…
Read MoreIowa Leaning Democratic for ’08 Presidential Election
A new poll conducted by the University of Iowa gives an insight into the inroads the Democratic Party may still be making—building off their success in the 2006 Election. A survey conducted July 29—August 5 of 907 registered voters asked…
Read MoreHow Predictive Are the Iowa Caucuses?
As the first state to select delegates in Election 2008, the Iowa caucuses are understandably considered very important in the presidential nomination process. The caucuses present an opportunity for national frontrunners to solidify their lead as well as underdogs…
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