Archive for 2008
The Upper Midwestern Voting Bloc in Presidential Elections
Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin have been (correctly) labeled as key battleground states in recent presidential elections. With the exception of George W. Bush’s narrow victory in the Hawkeye State in 2004, the three states have voted as a bloc dating…
Read MorePresidential Politics in Wisconsin: A Historical Overview
Since Wisconsinites cast their first presidential ballots in 1848, approximately 900,000 more votes have been cast for Republican presidential nominees than Democrats, out of more than 43.2 million votes cast across 40 presidential elections. Wisconsin has been on the winning…
Read MoreBush Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low in Minnesota
Buried beneath the new horserace numbers coming from the Quinnipiac poll released today of 1,572 likely Minnesota voters is even more sobering news for President George W. Bush (and, perhaps, John McCain) as he finishes his second term: Bush’s approval…
Read MoreSD: McCain 44%, Obama 40% (Rasmussen) IA: Obama 51%, McCain 41% (Rasmussen) MN: Obama 52%, McCain 35% (Rasmussen) WI: Obama 50%, McCain 39% (Rasmussen) ND: Obama 43%, McCain 43% (Rasmussen)…
Read MoreQuinnipiac: Obama Breaks Out to Double Digit Leads in MN, WI
Polls released this morning by Quinnipiac University of more than 1,500 likely voters in both Minnesota and Wisconsin show Barack Obama staked to his largest lead to date over John McCain in each battleground state. In Minnesota, the poll (which,…
Read MoreSD: McCain 44%, Obama 40% (Rasmussen) IA: Obama 51%, McCain 41% (Rasmussen) MN: Obama 52%, McCain 35% (Rasmussen) WI: Obama 50%, McCain 39% (Rasmussen) ND: Obama 43%, McCain 43% (Rasmussen)…
Read MoreMN Senate: Coleman 52%, Franken 40% (SurveyUSA) MN Senate: Coleman 48%, Franken 45% (Rasmussen) MN Senate: Coleman 41%, Franken 31%, Ventura 23% (SurveyUSA) MN Senate: Coleman 39%, Franken 32%, Ventura 24% (Rasmussen) WI: Obama 50%, McCain 37% (Badger Poll)…
Read MoreWhy Is Obama Talking About Religion?
Barack Obama’s recent comments on religion’s problematic role when mixed with government—along with his citation of certain Biblical passages as evidence of this point—have now once again raised the specter of his own religious beliefs. Obama’s comments not only renewed…
Read MoreDéjà Vu: McCain-Obama Margin Same as Bush-Kerrry 4 Years Ago
The political landscape has changed greatly during the past four years—increased opposition to the war in Iraq, greater Democratic party identification, greater support for generic Democratic candidates for the U.S. House, and a 20-point decrease in President George W. Bush’s…
Read MoreObama in Iowa and Minnesota: Standing Where Kerry Stood in 2004
Barack Obama has enjoyed not only a lead over John McCain in all but one of more than 25 national polls conducted since early May 2008, but also a consistent advantage in early polling in two key Upper Midwestern battleground…
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