Archive for 2008
Bush Job Performance Rating Sinks to New Low In Wisconsin
The latest Rasmussen poll of 500 likely voters in Wisconsin finds a record number of Badger State residents give President Bush “poor” marks in assessing his job performance. For the first time, a majority of Wisconsinites (51 percent) say Bush…
Read MoreWill West Virignia and Kentucky Make A Difference for Clinton?
Those who have been reading Smart Politics during the past two months should not have been surprised that Hillary Clinton both won the Indiana primary on Tuesday night and also decided to continue her campaign the next day, despite strong…
Read MoreLive Blog: North Carolina Primary
6:30 p.m. MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN all project Barack Obama will win the Tar Heel State. Obama has now carried 27 states, plus the Texas caucus, District of Columbia, Virgin Islands, and Guam. Obama narrowly won Guam last Saturday….
Read MoreLive Blog: Indiana Primary
6:00 p.m. (4% reporting) Clinton = 59% Obama = 41% MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN are stating the race is “too early to call.” 6:05 p.m. (5% reporting) Clinton = 59% Obama = 41% 6:12 p.m. (8% reporting) Clinton =…
Read MoreFinal IN / NC Polls; Live Blog Tonight
Three more polls of likely voters in North Carolina and two of likely voters in Indiana were released today. In North Carolina, Barack Obama’s lead over Hillary Clinton continues to be measured from very large to very small: Zogby: Obama…
Read MoreCSPG Study Tracks Increased Voter Registration in 2008
From the Center for the Study of Politics and Governance press release: “The 2008 contests for the Republican and Democratic Party presidential nominations have been a boon for American democracy. The intense competition for nomination combined with investments in mobilizing…
Read MoreNorm Coleman Retains 10-Point Advantage in Latest SurveyUSA Poll
One-term Republican incumbent Senator Norm Coleman continues to keep lead DFL challenger Al Franken at bay, according to the latest poll of 615 registered (not likely) voters by SurveyUSA. The poll, conducted April 30—May 1, gives Coleman a 52 to…
Read MoreClinton Takes 1st Lead in North Carolina Since Edwards Departure
A new poll by Insider Advantage finds Hillary Clinton has climbed ahead of Barack Obama among likely voters in North Carolina. The survey, conducted April 29th of 571 likely voters, gives Clinton a statistically insignificant 44 to 42 percent lead….
Read MoreBeware the Race Card (It Should Already Have Been Played)
As Barack Obama continues to labor under the cloud of controversy stirred up by his longtime friend, pastor, and ostensibly mentor Jeremiah Wright, the consequence of Wright’s recent high profile speaking engagements will no doubt result in an abandonment of…
Read MoreImmigration Concerns Linger in Upper Midwest Even As Issue Fades from Presidential Race
During the heat of the Republican nomination battle, GOP candidates were criticized by many pundits and pro-immigration advocates for inflaming the public fear of illegal immigration as well as for artificially pushing the policy issue on the front burner…
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