Upper Midwestern Republicans Reach Five-Decade High in State House Seats
After the 2010 election, GOP holds 311 of 497 lower chamber seats in IA, MN, ND, SD, and WI (62.2 percent) – the highest level since 1968 election (68.0 percent)
Read MoreRepublican Dominance over Upper Midwestern Governorships through the Years
Republicans have controlled the governor’s mansions of IA, MN, ND, SD, and WI for over 72 percent of the time since 1846
Read MoreIowa’s Schizophrenic 2010 Electorate
A Democratic majority U.S. House delegation from Iowa is sent to D.C. under historic circumstances in 2011
Read MoreSmart Politics Projections: Iowa State House
Republicans to take advantage of historically thin Democratic field to win back lower chamber
Read MoreSmart Politics Projections: Iowa U.S. House
Braley’s and Loebsack’s districts have enough of a Democratic partisan tilt to see them through, while Boswell has been in this position several times over his previous seven campaigns
Read MoreSmart Politics Projections: Iowa State Senate
Democrats should narrowly prevail in Hawkeye State’s upper legislative chamber to avoid GOP sweep
Read MoreElection Profile: Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District
The 38.8 percent won by Miller-Meeks in 2008 was the best performance for a female Republican running for Congress in Hawkeye State history
Read MoreElection Profile: Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District
Boswell has been a thorn in the side of the Iowa Republican Party for years – often seeming vulnerable, but always managing to eke out a victory
Read MoreElection Profile: Iowa’s 4th Congressional District
Latham was part of the Republican Revolution that swept into Congress with a large number of first-time GOP victors in 1994
Read MoreElection Profile: Iowa’s 5th Congressional District
The reelection of King and fellow GOPer Tom Latham from the state’s 4th CD means Iowa will continue its streak of sending at least one Republican to the U.S. House in every election cycle since 1856
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