Obama Sustains Advantage Over McCain in Iowa
The latest SurveyUSA poll of 600 registered voters in Iowa still finds Barack Obama on his way to taking back the Hawkeye State for the Democratic Party in 2008. Obama leads John McCain 47 to 38 percent in the poll…
Read MoreIowans Outlook on America Bleakest in 10 Years
A new Rasmussen poll of 500 likely Iowa voters, conducted May 13th, finds only 11 percent of Iowans believe the country is heading in the right direction. An astounding 84 percent believe it is off on the wrong track—more than…
Read MoreHarkin (D-IA) Coasting in 2008 Senate Re-election Bid
Iowa Democrat Tom Harkin enjoys a huge lead in his bid for a fifth consecutive term as junior Senator from the Hawkeye State, according to a new poll released this weekend by KCCI-TV / Research 2000. The survey of 600…
Read MoreGovernors Doyle, Culver Getting Low Marks While Pawlenty Prevails
As economic concerns continue to fuel pessimism about the near future, Democratic Governors Jim Doyle (Wisconsin) and Chet Culver (Iowa) face the lowest ratings of their gubernatorial careers. Meanwhile, Minnesota Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty has managed quite successfully to remain…
Read MoreEconomic Conerns Continue to Dominate Upper Midwest
In monthly surveys tracking what is the most important issue facing the next president, the economy has emerged as the dominant issue across the Upper Midwest. SurveyUSA asked 600 likely voters in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin closed-ended questions with eight…
Read MoreBush Approval Rating in Upper Midwest Lingers in the Basement
Despite relatively positive news coming out of Iraq and a new campaign season that has focused the lens of the news media off the sitting president to the new contenders, George W. Bush cannot shake the horrendous job approval…
Read MoreClinton Makes Big Gains Against Obama vis-à-vis McCain in Upper Midwest
In polling conducted just as the Reverend Wright story broke nationally last week, Hillary Clinton appears to have made substantial gains across the Upper Midwest in terms of her relative competitiveness with Republican nominee John McCain, as compared to her…
Read MoreWill Bush Drive Independents Away from McCain in Upper Midwest?
Last week John McCain, in a somewhat awkward festivity, accepted President George W. Bush’s endorsement for the presidency after wrapping up the majority of delegates needed to secure the Republican nomination. McCain, setting aside his staunch support for the still…
Read MoreIs Pennsylvania the Next Iowa? Not Quite.
After the Wyoming caucuses on Saturday and the Mississippi primary on Tuesday (and perhaps even before those contests are finished), all attention will shift to the state of Pennyslvania in the next (though not necessarily last) showdown between Barack Obama…
Read MoreClinton Trails, Obama Sails Against McCain in IA, MN
Echoing similar results reported yesterday in Wisconsin, Barack Obama currently has a strong advantage when matched up against John McCain in the Upper Midwestern states of Iowa and Minnesota, especially when compared to Hillary Clinton, according to polls released today…
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