Which US Senate Seats Will Flip in 2014? A Survey of Media Rankings
Media election forecasters can only agree on one slot of the Top 12 U.S. Senate seats most likely to change control after the November elections.
Read MoreCould Dayton Be the Lone Democratic Victor in 2014 Midwestern Gubernatorial Races?
At least one other Midwestern state has voted a Democrat into office each of the 15 times Minnesotans have elected a Democratic governor since statehood.
Read MoreThe Rise of GOP Primary Challengers in Minnesota US House Races
The rate of Republican incumbents facing primary challengers has tripled during the last decade compared to the previous 40 in the Gopher State.
Read MoreCould Republicans Sweep All 9 Midwestern Gubernatorial Elections in 2014?
It has only happened one time in the last 90+ years, but the political climate just might allow the GOP to claim all nine Midwestern governorships on the ballot this November.
Read MoreCollin Peterson By the Numbers
Peterson will crack the Top 10 list for the oldest U.S. Representatives in Minnesota history by the end of this term; only five others have served longer in the chamber.
Read MoreDo Democratic Hopes of Beating Kline End with a Dayton Loss?
A political party losing control of the governor’s mansion has picked up a U.S. House seat in just three cycles in Minnesota history.
Read MoreCollin Peterson: My Coffers Are Fine, Thank You Very Much
You wouldn’t know it from the media, but Peterson just recorded his strongest off-year 4th Quarter fundraising haul ever – coming in at nearly 75 percent higher than his average receipts over the previous decade.
Read MoreMinnesota: Where Female Lieutenant Governors Reign
Gopher State voters have elected women to the lieutenant governor slot more than any other state – eight times since 1982 – tallying a record 31 consecutive years and counting.
Read MoreWill the Vikings Win More Games in Their New Stadium?
NFL teams have made the playoffs just as frequently and won more Super Bowls during the last five years in their old stadiums as compared to the first five years in their new facilities.
Read MoreCan Dayton Catch Lightning in a Bottle Twice?
Minnesotans have elected a Democratic governor with a Democrat in the White House in just four of 28 cycles since statehood – with none in their second term.
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